#850 theoldmortuary ponders.

At long last the sun came out, sunshine replaced grey rainy day, after grey rainy day . On and on the greige days just kept coming until these vivid stools finally got a moment in the sun. Soon enough the stools filled up with happy basking humans. I looked up the phrase ‘ at long last’ . It rather sums up my feelings about this winter.

Sunshine, you have come back at last!

What was the best compliment you’ve received?

Knowing that people take time to read, comment  on and enjoy this blog . So many conversations are sparked. Just as if we were sitting on these seats, warming our faces and staring out to sea.

3 thoughts on “#850 theoldmortuary ponders.

  1. but will that sun stay? any day of sun is a good day, light is life. my funniest compliment: a 3 year old, walking down the hall, holding my hand said, ‘you are as thin as a whip!’, it really is not my body type and I wondered where he’d learned this old phrase, and why he chose me to share it, but I happily accepted. sweet one was from the assistant head of our school, new to the position, formerly our tech teacher, who said, “now that I’m in the rooms all the time, I’ve really had the chance to see how and why you are so loved here.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m not sure what the word for love in the workplace is and why it is so little valued by people who quickly gain promotion. A line manager once said to me at an appraisal that nobody notices the kind and hardworking and that he viewed my kindness as manipulative behaviour. He had often absolutely abused both of those facets of my character.
      I have read that the people best able to manage well rarely make it to the official role of manager.
      How wonderful to be a well loved colleague xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I never saw him as an administrator, and why I was so surprised when he became one, a gentle spirit and humanist. We need more like him


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