#673 theoldmortuary ponders

Sometimes landscapes make me want  to lay down and be part of it. Mossy boulders are particularly enticing and, of course, particularly uncomfortable in reality.

Today I felt the urge to paint a fantasy glade with a mossy boulder.

It has a long way to go but I already know the painted boulder would be a comfortable place to rest and the glade is becoming more fantastical by the brushstoke.

Green is my Friday colour.

Pandemic Pondering #486

Spring colours on a summers day.

©Debs Bobber

Yesterday was on the cusp, caught somewhere between a summer heatwave and the inevitable summer storm. In some ways a perfect day for capturing bright colours that are bleached out by harsh sunlight and that struggle to shine in a storm. These ice-cream coloured houses are on the way to our regular swimming bay. They exactly match a chrysanthemum that is currently living in our kitchen.

I want to become Lilliputian in size and stretch out in the centre of this gorgeous flower and then take a dip in this tiny emerald rockpool that also twinkled in the softer sun of yesterday.

©Debs Bobber

In reality, of course I am far from Lilliputian. The chrysanthemum may well contain an earwig who would gobble me up for a snack if I were so small.

Yesterdays changeling weather also brought new swimming companions to the bay. Not the sort that make us gasp with excitement, more a tingle of anticipation, and certainly not something Lilliputian me would like to meet in a rockpool.

©Elle White Devon Wild Swimming

The Compass Jellyfish was basking in the shallows yesterday. The stinging nettles of the sea. Our photograph was rather drear but this lovely green one from a local Wild Swimming site captures yesterdays colours perfectly. Have a lovely Saturday.